Building communities
via targeted token distribution

A Smartdrop is a permissionless way of introducing new technology to users of protocols with established network effects.

You set the tune

With Smartdrops, great projects can fast-track community growth, raise brand awareness and incentivize early adopters that are highly aligned with the values of their project.

- Intelligently Target Airdrop Recipients
- Distribute A Large Portion of Tokens in Waves
- Align Incentives Of Users With The New Project

Ride on the
wave of success
with smartdrops

Less Market Volatility For
Communities who were Smartdropped

As Smartdrops increase, holders of “blue chip” cryptos could receive “blue chip” like benefits: Smartdrops of new tokens, more stable value, and lower volatility

Faster Innovation Cycles

Compared to preparing a token sale or working through establishing a company, the Smartdrop model can be executed in a matter of weeks, instead of months.

Keeping The Community Together

Because Smartdrops bring in new ideas and technologies to existing projects, community members might be excited to work for an existing project that receives and experiments with an inflow of new ideas and technologies via Smartdrops.

join the party

There is real potential for Smartdrops to quickly bootstrap a large pool of vested and engaged community members in a very short amount of time.

Let’s join forces and share best practices to make Smartdrops an effective reality in the crypto community.

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